Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm a Mom!

This week I not only celebrated my birthday but I got the best present ever - a child. Yep, I said it - I have a child (thru the end of the school year). She is an exchange student from Germany. She has been here since August and has been in 3 different homes and 3 different schools prior to coming to live with me. Somehow the system failed her and she has had a terrible experience since she arrived in the USA but I intend on making it up to her and giving her a safe, fun place to live. Her name is Caroline and she is 17 years old. She is so cute and sweet. I think it is going to be fun having her around. She has already said that she likes to cook and wants to teach me about cooking German food and wants me to teach her about cooking American food. You all know how excited I am about that. She also sings, plays the piano and the trumbone, runs track and plays basketball. Stay tuned for stories of raising a teenager - I'm sure it will not be dull and boring! Is it scary to you all that Kay & I both have children now? Kinda freaks me out!

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