Monday, September 15, 2008

Good Times In The Delta

I left Jackson Thursday morning headed to Indianola. It was a perfect day for a ride thru the Delta - sunshine and good music on the radio. I love riding up there when the cotton is starting to bloom and the farmers are working in the field.

Thursday night The Gin Mill was having their first annual blues contest. They had 5 bands signed up to participate. The winner was Mark Massey Band from Senatobia. Friday and Saturday night the band entertaining us was The Legends of The Blues from Tupelo. If you ever get a chance to hear either one of these bands take it - they were both good.
Friday afternoon I did find time to go check out the BB King Museum. It was buzzing with people trying to get ready for the big party that night. I highly recommend that everyone go check it out but be sure to give youself plenty of time. They have a lot of things to look at, videos to watch, music to listen to and things to read. I'll definitely go back again as I didn't have enough time to spend there.
Kay, Pat, Donna, Tacy, Alexis & Anna Beth came up Saturday afternoon. While at The Gin Mill I got to meet a lot of interesting people - Sonny Payne was one of them. He is the host of the radio show King Biscuit Time. He has been doing this for 40+ years. In fact he had to leave early Saturday because he had to get back home to do the show. I think by far the most entertaining group that we met was the boys from Chicago - Paullie, Eric and Sammy.
I have never met a guy that owned more shoes than me but I think I have now. One of them (I will not reveal which one) has to have matching shoes with every outfit. Now I'm not dissing this by any means. I just find it quite interesting and no, he is not gay! They had a long drive on Sunday - 10 hours to get back home. Thank goodness I only had an 1 1/2 hours. After being in Indianola for 4 days, working at the bar/restaurant and virtually getting no sleep I could not wait to get back to my house and on the couch for a long nap. I'll rest up for a day or two and then I'll be ready to go again - not sure what the next adventure will be but I'll keep you all posted.


Danielle Ginn said...

he has to be gay......has to......

Linda said...

I can verify that he is not gay - he has been married more than once and has 6 children - he just likes to dress nice