Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Making of the Ultimate Panini

It is becoming increasingly apparent that we do a lot of cooking, eating and drinking........three of our favorite past times....may be I should have written drinking, cooking and eating...because we never eat until WAY after the drinks...

Our girl's home spa weekend included the making of Linda's Ultimate Panini. Precious (my big sistah) had purchased up some wonderful bread at the Fresh Market in the "big city". She had planned to smuggle it home with her on Sunday, but Linda and I had other plans for usage. Linda broiled up some heavenly thick sliced bacon and damn if the power didn't go off at her house.......after much ado and cussing of the power company, the lights came back and low and behold when we opened the oven the bacon was cooked to perfection..... Linda dragged out her gourmet grill sandwich press (aka George Foreman grill) and got it heated up. She placed a slather of mayo on the sliced bread, topped with fresh mozzarella cheese, then fresh basil leaves from her patio herb garden, vine ripened tomatoes, and the thick bacon......with salt & pepper to taste and a coating on the outside with a little EVOO.....(extra virgin olive oil for you Rachel Ray haters..) and pressed them on the grill.

Bon Appetite'
They were delicious and received many oohhhhs and AAHHSS...from Precious and myself. (especially since she did all the work and served us like we were guest or somebody special)......which made them taste all the better !!

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