Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Saga of The Bet

Ole Miss has now won 5 games while MS State has only won 3. Both teams have this weekend off (thank goodness, I don't think I could take another weekend like this past one). Let me refresh your memory - I said the bet was that State would have a better season than Ole Miss AND kick their ass in Oxford at The Egg Bowl. Well, it pains me to admit this but I do not have a snowballs chance in hell of winning (thank you Bulldogs) even if they win their next 2 games. In order for Brett not to be able to collect on the bet Ole Miss would have to lose their next 2 games and State would have to win their next 2 and then we would be tied going into the Egg Bowl. The bet said "better season and win in Oxford" so if by some strange miracle we are tied going into the EB then I think it is a toss up. I would ask all of you what you think but I really don't care, after all it is my big fat mouth that got me into this bet so I think I get to make all the rules.

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